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Ready to get Trim4Life with JMOA

JM Ocean Avenue is based on the idea of families spending time together and creating memories. They want everyone to achieve optimal health. Trim4Life uses the products that allowed Franco Cavaleri to achieve his fitness and body building goals. He uses this same system NOW to stay healthy.

Two Basic Systems and Programs:

Trim60 - helps lose fat and improve health using Invigorate and WAVsmart - for Weight Loss * Invigorate - improves mindset and metabolic efficiency and seratonin levels. Seratonin is linked to our addiction to carbohydrates. It is not a stimulant and does not compromise health. It also improves insulin efficiency. When we lose insulin efficiency with age, the body is not able to regulate calories and we crave more carbs. Invigorate also helps with thermogenic activity to help you burn calories the way you did when you were younger. Without stimulating heartrate or increasing blood pressure. There are many people who worked with Franco to hone these products in the early years when they were developed. *WAVSmart is a product that Franco designed as a meal alternative. When we are making the wrong food choices, we typically choose the high glycemic, high carb foods. It is made up of 3 protein sources that improves the body's ability to burn fat. It also supplies multiple fiber sources that allow your body to process the fiber at a slower rate. It includes greens - we usually don't eat enough greens during the day, so we get nutrient-deficiency cravings. When our bodies are given the right foods, we don't crave the wrong foods! Life60 System - Based on WAVMpower and Wheybeyond - they are powerful anti-inflammatory and weight management system. When we have inflammation, it interferes with our ability to burn fat. *Wheybeyond improves the protein and amino acids in your diet and in your body. It helps control your appetite. Together, Empower and Wheybeyond improves your LEAN muscle mass, which helps you to lose weight. These systems can be used together or independently. The protocol for people to join the contest will be written out and available in the back office. You will also get some support from Franco with sample days that show how the products are incorporated into the day, as well as foods to choose along with it (woot!). He is also doing a video blog that will answer questions and guide you along the way. Yay! I recommended that they do this. :) Franco has worked with different metabolisms and challenges. The strategies include IMPROVE MINDSET, and lower the glycemic load and high carbs. He also uses Focus prior to your workout so that you start burning fat faster. When you start a cardio workout, it takes 15-20 minutes for your body to start burning fat. When you take focus 30 minutes before your workout, it flips a switch and starts your fat burning SOONER, and your muscle will be preserved during and after your workout. These products give you a general template, along with good food choices, to lose weight and increase your metabolism. This is a 60 day program - the body works in windows. When people follow this protocol diligently they will see results. Franco will be guiding people through this program! "Your metabolism is a reflection of your choices. When you stick with this program and stick with the choices that Franco gives you, your goal will be easier to achieve." - Franco Cavaleri. 60 days is more than enough to notice a difference according to Franco when you follow the protocol. Exercise is important and critical for optimal health, but he doesn't want to push people into exercise programs until they are ready. Let's start by making the right non-exercise energy expending choices. Instead of parking right next to the door, park further out and walk. Start with that if exercise is not part of your program now. Make walking for 30 minutes part of the program because that helps with mental fitness as well as physical fitness. The goal is to achieve mental AND physical health. Move it up as you are ready. Build up to it as needed. If you are workout junkie, feel free to keep going. If you are a body builder, start challenging your body and take it one step further. Not to impose more stress, but allow it to recover more efficiently. The Life60 program will really help with this as it will allow your body to recover quickly and effectively. Franco will drink half of Wheybeyond before his workout with the focus, and then the other half right after the workout. That energizes you so that you can work with greater intensity. Then the Empower utilized with the Wheybeyond allows you to recover faster and retain lean muscle.

1) Use WAVSmart TWO times daily with WAVInvigorate: This duo fine tunes mind, metabolism and body. The HIGH Protein, fiber rich, low calorie, thermogenically-active supplement helps: activate fat burning; fuel and nourish the metabolism and cells; and supply naturally derived phytoantioxidants (naturally existing plant derived antioxidants), vitamins and minerals; control appetite. Use one WAVSmart shake for breakfast and one more in between your lean lunch and late dinner (6:30 pm) to help hold you over to bedtime.

2) GREEN gets you lean! Eat raw or lightly cooked (steamed) GREEN and COLORFUL vegetables like they are going out of style. Prepare platters of the raw veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, cucumbers and lots of celery. Snack on them and pile them on your plate at meals. They supply lots of potassium to counter sodium; antioxidants to keep you healthy and vigorous; and nutrient rich fiber to sustain fullness and counter nutrient deficiency cravings. NOTE: Beans can be caloric and do not fit into this free food allowance.

3) Protein Dominant meal choices: Low fat, high protein food sources (Chicken breast, tuna, salmon 4-6 oz per meal) must be consumed abundantly in order to meet nutritional needs, promote thermogenesis (the body’s natural ability to burn fat and create heat from the fat calories) and fill the caloric void that glycemic carbohydrate sources (define) will otherwise fill in the diet. WAVSmart will help you reach your dietary protein needs. All meat protein must be lean, skinless, and baked, broiled or boiled with no added fat. The TRIM4Life APP can help guide your meal planning.

4) Avoid sodium: Sodium is hidden in processed and preserved foods as sodium chloride (most commonly known as table salt); sodium benzoate; monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed vegetable protein (define) flavor enhancer often found in sauces, broth starters; soup base / stock starters, soya , sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, sodium nitrate. Although sodium is essential, we get way too much in our diet since it serves palatability and preservation and for the time being just avoid all sources to induce water loss and assume for now you are getting enough to meet essential basic needs.

5) Drink Lots of water throughout the day ABUNDANTLY (a few liters min) to help flush sodium; maintain hydration; and help curb appetite.

6) Avoid sugar: Sugar is hidden in processed foods and has a very harmful effect on insulin-related calorie management. Avoid: soda pop; refined fruit juice; or anything with ‘added sugar’ or processed or refined carbohydrate. Even avoid fruit in the early stages: Grapefruit is the only acceptable fruit for the early initialisation stages when starting out on the program

7) Avoid all dairy outside of your WAVSmart shake unless engineered to void the fat portion. Although some fats such as Omega-3 dominant fat sources like avocado, flaxseed and most marine fats can support healthy fat management; avoid omega-6 dominant fats, trans fats and high payload sources of fat like dairy as they can counter fat management.

8) Supplement with an Omega-3 fatty acids source daily. Add one teaspoon (for now; increase later) of EPA /DHA rich oil to ONE of your WAVSmart Shakes daily.

9) Cardio/Resist Balance Training: Get active and at the very least walk briskly daily. Engage cardio prevalent workouts if possible; with a secondary effort on muscle building resistance training. You must find your personal cardio-, calorie- burning workout to utilize at least four times weekly-preferably six times. This keeps your mind and body in tune with the objective; even a stationary bike in front of the television as an alternative to the couch in the initial stages. If you watch TV for any amount of time daily the stationary bike MUST become your recliner.

10) GET enough Sleep. Lack of sleep interferes with appetite and feeding signalling. Get your personal sleep requirement met.

TRIM4LIFE BONUS Tip: Late Night Snack: The only acceptable late night snack (no later than 9 pm) is one serving of WAVSmart stirred in water with some raw broccoli if needed – (one cup Max).

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