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Are Your Ready To Rev Up Your Fit Life?

By Franco Cavaleri BSc NB PhDc (Molecular NeuroMedicine); Mr IFBB North America

"Look….let’s face it …. there’s no real FAST way to get to the shape you may have in your mind as your long term target. However, there is a strategy you can apply to experience changes in just two or three days; and get you into your bathing suit with more confidence – REV-UP is the new QUICKstart plan.

REV-UP is a 3 Day QUICKStart plan designed to create a quick shift in water regulation in the body and a fast track fat elimination by targeting food sources that produce significant energy demands. This means these foods actually cause your body to work and use up energy during metabolism and processing. This is called the thermic factor in food. We can take further advantage of these energy costs by choosing thermic food sources that are already low in calories. WAVSmart Pro, for example, is designed with this thermal factor built into the formula while its caloric tax is so low, you actually burn off the calories consumed while retaining the nutrient density for metabolic, mind and body health.

In addition to the thermic effect and water rebalance, this program also takes advantage of glycogen depletion by reducing glycogen load temporarily. This contributes to a reduction in size and weight in a matter of days. WAVSmart Pro is also designed in line with this glycogen depletion programming.

While helping to produce a shift in your daily calorie balance and body glycogen load, WAVSmart Pro and the foods we will select as part of REV-UP will also induce expulsion of unnecessary water from the body; while maintaining healthy hydration of lean muscle tone due to the naturally rich potassium payload and voiding of sodium.

WAVSmart Pro is your 3-DAY Affair – Love it! Enjoy it! And work it! You will succeed to achieve ANY goal you see in your mind’s eye applying this strategy. Lean on WAVSmart Pro by using more servings during your REV-UP cycle to keep you in the zone. Use one or two servings during the regular TRIM4Life cycle.

How do you cycle REV-UP into your lifestyle?

REV-UP allows one to plan for an event and void themselves of the guilt associated with the event. Get on REV-UP for three days and then take one or two days OFF. Your days off (days 4 & 5) might be your target day(s) such as a short trip away from home when you know food selection may be compromised.

For those wanting faster long-term outcomes; the 2 DAY QUICKBreak in between the 3 Day QUICKStart cycles of REV-UP could be narrowed down to a 1 Day QUICKBreak – the day of that special event. Or vary the break period …sometimes 2 days… sometimes take 1 day. This strategy also allows for planning a more relaxed dietary program for one or two days of the weekend when structure for those days may be more difficult to adhere to.

Alternatively use REV-Up to start your way into TRIM4Life. This primes your metabolism and gets you results quickly in a few days. The primed metabolism carries you into TRIM4life with a head start. Once on the TRIM4Life lifestyle one can use the REV-UP 3 day QUICKStart occasionally for a metabolic shock to boost the metabolism and improve calorie balance with a more aggressive REV-UP cycle. Results have been phenomenal. What are you waiting for?" This is perfect for getting that last few curves set for the bikini fitness pro, or that family reunion without having to create weird recipes or live on pine nuts and greens for three days. Do you know what I'm saying? Or just use this on the weekends, or use it all week and then take a break on the weekends. This JMOA product is amazing and can be functional for your goals, and your lifestyle!

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