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Welcome to My Wellness Journey

I remember what it felt like when I was starting this journey. I had a two year old, and I was 38 years old living in what felt like a nightmare. I had gained and almost doubled my weight in just a few short years. I was depressed. I struggled to get through the day without naptime, and sugar. Lots and lots of sugar. I also acquired a taste for coffee. Not the good stuff, however. The really sweet, practically not coffee, coffee. You know what I mean? 

In spite of our best efforts to practice good wellness habits, we can be exposed to toxic environmental stressors that can have deleterious effects on our health. That is where I was. A good place to start may be a detoxification program, adding in a daily meal replacement, trying out a fitness program or even just a kick start to your body over a long weekend! So I found first a great training coach, and TurboFire. That changed my life. I became certified to teach Turbo Kick, and started Shakeology. Life changing decision. I will never regret it!

I became a Certified Personal Trainer and received a diploma in Personal Nutrition. I know exactly what you need to do to reach your wellness goals. It's no longer about skinny, it's about healthy. But I want you to know that even I've experienced the place where you are today. It took a wake up photo to bring me back to the light, and that is why I incorporate Holisic Food Coaching into my training programs. It's a key that is often overlooked. You need to eat healthy whole foods - that simplifies the process. Move forward every day with making small changes one baby step at a time and before too long you'll be healthier than you ever thought possible. I am so thankful for the health, wealth and friendship that this journey has give me. I am even more grateful for having the opportunity to pay it forward by helping you no matter where you are starting. I hope that I can help transform your lifestyle, and bring you that wellness jy!


xoxo, Barbara

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