Time to move into drive
Well it is just two months out from my birthday and I am finishing July with a latex related allergy. So I decided to bite the bullet and...
Meal Prep For Your 21-Day Fix Diet Plan
How well do you feel you have a handle on your nutrition plan? If you’re been looking into diets for some time, you know that having the...
Nighttime Exercises You Can Do From Bed
There will be some days when you don’t find any time during the day to push play and exercise, and the only quiet time you get is when...
The Benefits of Goji Berries
Let's do an ingredient spotlight that focuses on the powerful benefits of these little grape-sized fruits called Goji Berries. Goji...
Can You Focus on Losing Weight When You Are an Emotional Eater?
Losing weight can be difficult enough without adding in stress, busy schedules, and emotional eating. When you combine all three of these...
Summer Travels + Fitness Goals
You're getting ready to start the 21-Day Fix, but of course it's Summer. That means Summer Travels and bad eating. However it doesn't...
Quick and Easy Vegan 21-Day Fix Lunches
Lunch time is the time that most people meal prep for because that is when you are at work, on the go, or can sit down and have something...
Simple Grocery List For the Vegan 21-Day Fix Diet
The 21-Day Fix is built on the idea of starting a new habit that you will maintain beyond the initial 21 days of the program. This means...
Coping with Double Workout Days To Get Bikini Fit
If you are sitting there with your 21-Day Fix bundle, and you are going through your workout plan, you will notice something different...
Superfoods to Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body and Spirit
When the goal is rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, the method should be smaller, more frequent snacks and meals. This will help...