The March Coaching Incentive. The results of one leap into wellness
My vision... help others. Help them live a healthier life, help them reach their goals, and help them find their own wellness truth. So, what is your vision?
I am looking for one new team member to join my Nourished Warrior Beachbody coaching team. I have been challenge by my upline's coach, Monica Gray, to ramp myself up to the next level. I've been crusing for a while. I am the first to admit I haven't done a lot with recruiting for Beachbody honestly because I just have my entire business automated and so I have been happily just coaching my team and letting the rest slide. Not many businesses where you can just sit and let the deposits come in. Yet that is what is great about Beachbody. It's not a complicated business, you gear it towards what you want out of it, and there is no pressure to do anything more than you desire. Andrea, myself and Jamie from our team did a large call tonight and it was really so amazing to listen to the coaches on our team talking about the impact that this has had for them!
I have an incentive for anyone that signs up, so make sure we connect before you do sign up. Beachbody has helped me in so many ways, I am very thankful. I would love to have you join my team! So what is that incentive?
During the month of March when you join the Nourished Warriors team you are not only going to get the support of an amazingly successful upline, but I am going to kick start your success when you purchase a Challenge Pack {which waives your enrollment fee} by sending you the Portion Fix to make sure you get your nutrition SPOT on target!! When you commit to be a product of the product, I commit to make sure you have all of the tools to be successful!