Jump Start Your Spring And Reset Your Body
In just six days Darin Olien, Shakeology’s Ingredient Hunter and creator of the Ultimate Reset, will embark on a 21-day journey—and he wants you to join him! It’s the Ultimate Reset Spring-Cleaning SuperLife™ Challenge. For 21 days, you can spring-clean your mind and body, plus get daily support from Darin online. This is the perfect opportunity to join forces with Darin, Reset your body, and get some help staying accountable. Not only will you rid your body of harmful toxins, improve your overall health, and lose weight, Darin promises that you’ll also walk away with at least one healthy new habit for the rest of your life! This won't be my first reset. And that is why I know that this program works!

As you can see, the results are real. This not only gave me back the flatter stomach I desired, but I found out that I had a great deal of candida still in my system, but that the Shakeology daily had just been holding it at bay. So I’ll be continuing to take the Revitalize every day, as well you can get the maintenance kit to continue on your journey healthy. I think that you’ll be so thrilled if you just give it a try. Learn more online at www.MyUltimateReset.com/BijaCoaching