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Barbara's Fav Protein Muffins. ... with Juice Pulp

It seems that this week I am really focused in on breakfasts... So I thought I would share a favorite breakfast muffin mix for those of you that are in love with morning juicing. Juicing is fantastic when it comes to getting all of those enzymes that are easy to digest right into your system. But if you don't add in some good quality fiber and protein, you are going to crash mid morning and the results (the closest brownie you can find) will not be pretty. So when you get all of those pretty juices prepared, don't forget to save the pulp.

Barbara's Fav Protein Muffins. ... with Juice Pulp 5 cups juice pulp (so save it when you juice .. especially the carrot, apple, ginger, beet)

1 cup pastured egg whites (or vegan alternative)

1/2 cup vegan protein powder (or Shakeology but you'll bake a lot of the superfoods out of it so I would rather use regular protein powder)

1 cup coconut milk (remember BPA-free cans if you buy canned)

1/4 cup Organic coconut flour

2 scoops Digestive Health Shakeology Boost

1 tbsp pumpkin spice or cinnamon

1 tbs extra virgin coconut oil

1 tbsp pure vanilla extract (optional)


Pre-heat over to 350 degrees Mix together the dry ingredients. Mix together the wet ingredients and then blend in the dry ingredient until well blended. Place in silicone baking cups and bake for 40 - 50 minutes depending on your oven, altitiude. I love the StyleNovice and her Juice Pulp Meatballs recipe as well. Get all of the nutrition, and enjoy juicing and the pulp. (her blog post in over on the video on YouTube if you want to click through)

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