Two Types Of 21-Day Fix Breakfasts

There are two types of breakfast people. There are the ones that eat very little or the ones that treat breakfast as the largest meal of the day. There have been times in my life that I have been both. However, as I get older I am more the Bulletproof Coffee type, and my breakfast happens in the form of a smoothie about 11 AM. Lately I have been having more of a smoothie bowl, with some gogi berries and other goodies to keep it interesting. And my team of warriors keep me on my toes especially now that the Beachbody Fitness Programs and Business Opportunity is launching in the UK. I think a lot of folks are UK Beachbody fans!
What I have found is that the most important part of your breakfast is having a plan to either eat, or to fast. Either way, when you start the 21-Day Fix eating plan you will be eating a certain amount for breakfast based on the guides and what works for you according to the guides. If you aren't sure where to begin, consider these three 21-Day Fix breakfast options that you can mix up during the week to give you a bit of variety in your morning routine. English Muffin with Nut Butter and Banana A quick and easy grab and go breakfast that is 21-Day Fix approved is a gluten-free english muffin energy breakfast. This breakfast packs a punch of energy and gives you some of your fruit and nut butter for the day as well. Just take a gluten-free english muffin, and there are a bunch out there. You can find them made with almond flour, coconut flour, or make your own keto muffins with coconut flour and one egg. It's simple to do. Then just cover it with almond or other nut or seed butter. Now add a sliced half of a banana to cover the top. It is that simple. You can eat it quickly and if you like a sweet taste to your breakfast then this will be ideal. Greek Yogurt and Fruit If you are used to eating your breakfast from a fast food location, then you may be used to the fruit and yogurt parfaits that so many places offer. You can still have this indulgence while meeting the requirements of your 21-Day Fix. Simply use greek yogurt, plain or vanilla, and add your fruit. Personally I make an amazing coconut yogurt using my pressure cooker.... do you have an Instant Pot? I would shocked if you didn't have one yet. You can dress your yogurt up a bit by adding your daily requirement of nuts or seeds to give it some crunch and some added protein and energy. Spinach and Egg If you have time to sit down, read the news, look over your daily plans, and have some coffee then you have time for one of the more traditional breakfast meals. This 21-Day Fix breakfast will give you your serving of protein and vegetables. Just make the allotted amount of eggs for the day and add some spinach. You also get a pack of iron with the spinach and help boost your vitamins as well. For those that are Vegan, my best discovery is the Follow Your Heart VeganEgg product. That is truly my favorite, favorite new vegan 21-Day Fix product to date! With these three 21-Day Fix breakfast options, you have something to get started and work with to make your morning routine a bit easier. Remember, if these options aren't suited to you and you have too busy of a morning, then you can opt for your morning to be your Superfood shake.